# Arguments to start SunEngine.dll

# Options for command line

server        - run server API using kestrel  
config:<path> - path to the configuration directory, "Config" by default. The suffix ".Config" may be omitted  
migrate       - creation or updates of all database tables and their structure  
init          - fill user role and category tables with data from `'Config'`  
test-db-con   - Checking database connectivity  
version       - show SunEngine version  
              - set user password
nologo        - do not show logo at startup  
help          - show help page

# Data seed commands for Tests

               - seed category and all subcategories with materials and comments
<category>     - category name
<materials>    - materials count, default if skipped
<comments>     - comments count, default if skipped

- `seed:SomeCategory:20:10`
- `append-cat-name` - add category name to material titles on `'seed'`

# Examples

dotnet SunEngine.dll server
dotnet SunEngine.dll server config:local.MySite
dotnet SunEngine.dll migrate init seed
dotnet SunEngine.dll migrate init seed config:local.MySite
dotnet SunEngine.dll seed:Forum:10:10