# Deploy

All .sh scripts is in Scripts/

To deploy to the server you must perform the following steps:

  • Run build.sh script.
  • Prepare the parameters for the publi.sh script by renamingPUBLISH.template to PUBLISH and edit the settings in the file.
  • Run publi.sh script.

# Creating Build

# build.sh script

The script works out of the box.

After starting the whole project is going to the build directory.

The client part is placed in build/wwwroot.

The default file is BUILD, or specify the settings file with the first argument

"build.sh /path/to/BUILD_VARS"

# BUILD Script Settings

  • PROJECT_NAME="SunEngine" - the name of the project, used to display in the console
  • PROJECT_ROOT="auto" - path to the project root directory
    The value of auto: the current directory or the directory above is determined by the contents in the directory of the .SunEngineRoot file
  • SERVER_PATH="${PROJECT_ROOT}/Server" - path to the server part of the project (DotNet solution)
  • CLIENT_PATH="${PROJECT_ROOT}/Client" - the path to the client part of the project (Quasar project)
  • CONFIG_PATH="${PROJECT_ROOT}/Config" - the path to the directory with the project configuration
  • BUILD_PATH="${PROJECT_ROOT}/build" - the path to which the resulting project assembly will be placed
  • NPM_UTIL="yarn" - installer of npm packages (yarn or npm)

# Installation on the server

# Script publi.sh

Before starting, you need to edit the parameters in the PUBLISH script settings file.

The publi.sh script writes thebuild directory to the server, overwriting all the files, and the Config directory writes only if it is not already on the server.

The default file is PUBLISH, or specify the settings file with the first argument

"publi.sh /path/to/PUBLISH_VARS"

In order for the script to be able to fully work out the user username on the server (under which the script runs), add www-data, systemd-journal,systemd-network, systemd-network, systemd -resolve. This can be done by editing the file /etc/group.

# PUBLISH script settings

  • PROJECT_NAME="SunEngineDemo" - the name of the project, used to display in the console
  • LOCAL_BUILD_PATH="/path/to/local/build" - the path to the build directory of the project, must match the BUILD_PATH from the file BUILD
  • REMOTE_USER="username" - username under which the connection to the server will be made
  • REMOTE_HOST="" - IP or domain of the server host
  • REMOTE_DIRECTORY="/remote/dir/path" - the path to the directory on the server where the download will be performed
  • REMOTE_DIRECTORY_OWNER="www-data" - the user who owns REMOTE_DIRECTORY on the server
  • REMOTE_DIRECTORY_GROUP="www-data" - the group of which belongs to REMOTE_DIRECTORY on the server
  • REMOTE_SYSTEMD_SERVICE_NAME="demo.sunengine.site" - the name of the service systemd to restart after loading

# Writing configuration files

After building build.sh and publishing publi.sh, you need to configure the server to edit the files in the Config directory on the server, this is done once. It is necessary to register the correct database settings in DataBaseConnection.json

Other settings as needed.

The Config/Init directory is used to start initializing the site database - the dotnet SunEngine.dll init migrate command.

# Upgrading SunEngine on the server to the latest version from theGitHub repository

# Script: update.sh

The script works out of the box provided the publi.sh script is configured.

The script takes the latest version from the master branch of the repository, overwriting everything that was before except for Config

And sequentially runs build.sh and publi.sh scripts.

# UPDATE script settings

  • PROJECT_NAME="SunEngineDemo" - the name of the project, used to display in the console
  • PROJECT_ROOT="auto" - the path to the root directory of the project The value of auto: the current directory or the directory above is determined by the contents in the directory of the .SunEngineRoot file.
  • BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH="./build.sh" - the path to the build script
  • PUBLISH_SCRIPT_PATH="./publi.sh" - the path to the publication script